Do I need to register before shopping on Tez Taaza?
Yes, you do need to register before shopping with us. However, you can browse the website without registration. You are required to log in or register while you checkout.

You can register by clicking on the “Sign In” section located at the top right corner on the home page. Please provide the required information in the form that appears and click on submit.

Yes, you do need to register before shopping with us. However, you can browse the website without registration. You are required to log in or register while you checkout.

To place an order, please follow these steps: 1. Select the product you want to buy and check its availability and delivery options at your preferred PIN code. 2. Add products to your bag and then click on the Buy Now button. 3. If this is the first time you are shopping with us, add a delivery address; if you’ve shopped with us before, select a saved address. 4. Use the suitable payment mode and confirm the order.

You can purchase our products available in our retail stores. However, if you prefer online shopping, you can place an order on our website which will be delivered to your desired location.

Your suggestions are always welcome as it helps us in improving our service. You can do so by dropping us an email at contact@tez or calling us at (+91) 8080928266 .

Tez Taaza provides a variety of “handmade” products such as homemade spices, traditional artefacts, cosmetics and body care products, with each having its speciality and being eco-friendly.
For associating with us, you will be required to fill up the registration form available along with the credentials related to your business/product for verification before finalizing the collaboration.

Tez Taaza, serves as a platform which promotes the products made by the people working as Self-Help Group or a Cooperative Society to bridge the gap between these underrated organizations and the potential audience.